Tips and Tools

I’ve learned some Tips and found some Tools that I want to share with you! One of my New Year Resolutions is to track how much money I am saving through coupons. As a “newbie” last year my focus was finding the best organizational system for me and just “getting started”. (You can watch a video of how I organize my coupons here) I…

Saving Made Easy – My Favorite Blogs!

When I used to hear people talk about couponing, I thought – Who has the time??  The idea of getting the weekly ads, looking through all my coupons…didn’t I have that one coupon for Snuggle…I thought I did??? Where is it??? (If you need help organizing your coupons watch my video here) It was OVERWHELMING! I couldn’t commit that much time…

Organize Those Coupons!

Keeping your coupons organized is a MUST!  There are hundreds of ideas on ways to do this.  I have tried several and ending up combining a few to create a SYSTEM that works best for ME! I have fond memories of my Nana cutting out coupons for hours each Sunday… But that did NOT sound FUN to me!!!….What else could I do? Here is a…

Proof is in the Pudding

Proof is in the Pudding Receipt! I am hoping that my post yesterday, about how much money you can save while shopping at Publix, inspired some of you to consider couponing!! (You can read that story here) I needed to stop by Publix this afternoon to grab a few things and wanted to share my trip with you! FEAR NOT – I don’t plan on blogging and posting…

Saving BIG $ at Publix!

Oh, Publix, “Where Shopping is a Pleasure”…the store’s motto truly fits.  Growing up in Florida, this was the only place my parents shopped and my northern relatives still rave about the store when visiting the “Sunshine State”. So last December when my friend, Patty, said she saved around 50% off her bill every time she went to Publix…I was…